Whimsical Whirrings
Smart yet scatterbrained, darting about.
A butterfly, flitting from flower to flower-
My mind creates it's own winding path.
A random trail here, of a show I watched...
An odd direction there, into a blank mind.
Studying for engineering:
Creativity brought into reality, and molded with knowledge.
Goals and aspirations, the ability to contribute.
To build, improve, and help.
Fun doesn't get left behind.
I do what I need to, but enjoy rest.
Time with my wife – cartoons, games, togetherness.
Life is a blessed ride!
Joy and love, laughter and peace;
I strive to grow in Spirit fruits.
For amidst the randomness of mind,
I have a core in Christ.
Stability, truth, life.
The age old question: what makes me tick?
Sure I've got the organs and structure-
Biological alive, spiritually growing.
For the breathe of live is in me.
From there, what?
I can't sit on what I've been giving.
I am because He is, and He is Lord!
So that's the plan – share Love; my life.
My mind – a strange maze.
Yet, rooted and growing.
Engineer, husband, child of God.
What makes me tick, indeed.