Where is the Justice, Where is the Love
I can’t believe this
girls missing school
not because they’re sick
or they think it's cool
But because they’ve been mistreated
so much so that they
signed away their souls
to notes of suicide
to blood drops on the floor
to a prescription written overdose
She was sixteen when she hung herself from the shower
only a week after
a night she couldn’t remember what happened
But the marker drawn on the walls of her temple remember
who was there, who didn’t belong
A sea of shame
when school mates mocked
no escape
a constant knock
on the door of her heart
saying she’s the whore
that she’s the slut
for boys who thought it fun to gang up
A whirlwind of bullies
to no end showed up
to tell her she is wrong
for getting too drunk
For indulging in what the whole world promotes as fun
for doing what you love
getting fucked up
You hypocrites so bent and broken
Surrounded by wolves
And she with locks golden
hunted and preyed upon
You say it's her fault
for ending her life
missed out on growing up
But who is accountable for the boys with the blood
on their hands
sickness in their hearts
Who raised the boys to take her clothes off
when she wasn’t up.
If someone were to rob your home they’d be a criminal
everyone would know
So why isn’t it a crime each time
a Boy robs a Girl of her life
her body
her mind
her soul.