Where I Am From
I am from my mother’s kindness and both of my grandmothers’ gentleness.
From Paducah to Lexington to Georgetown to Paducah.
A picture perfect family to one ripped apart because of divorce.
A childhood full of lies and broken promises.
I am from church, every time the doors are open,
and God’s calling and grace for my life.
From basketball, football, baseball, soccer, and lacrosse,
and watching baseball, football, and hockey games in the stands.
I am from being a somebody and becoming a nobody.
Feeling worried if my name was called on.
The fun summers at the beaches in Texas and Florida,
and the snowy winters in Georgetown and Lexington,
sledding down the park hills.
I am from old pets like Winston and Samantha, my first dogs.
From Chip, my first cat, and Angie, the only dog I have memories with,
and a life of happiness and kindness,
then to where I hate every aspect of life.
From bike rides and climbing trees,
and then to staying inside and keeping to myself.
I am from being active and then to hating the sun.
A perfect childhood that turned out to be a lie.
A music taste that most will day is terrible and satanic,
but that I find hopeful and inspiring, and better than the mainstream crap.
I am from trust issues, heart break, and broken promises.
I am from God’s chosen, and I’ve gone through Hell and back.