Where Everything Stays
I hear the ticking of a clock as time passes
The weight of the clock rests on my heart
Its ticks sending vibrations to my very core
The ticks never ending, never faltering
And yet I look upon a world where everything stays
Things around me seeming the same as they did the day past
The birds still call in the morning
The trees still rustle in the breeze
The sky just as blue and vast as the day before
So how is it that everything for me has changed?
Trust broken
Friendships lost
Future uncertain
With each the clock grows heavier,
Compressing over my heart, clenching it in its cold grasp
The resounding ticks growing louder
The pain becoming more unbearable
My life crumbling underneath the ever-ticking clock
In my world where nothing has stayed
Is it selfish to want things to stay?
Is it foolish to wish things would never change?
Is it horrible to dream of the clock stopping?
Where my world can stay?
Because in reality the world doesn’t really stay
It may feel that way because the world ignores the pain, the suffering, the lives of the people with their own clocks ticking away just hoping for the ticking to pause
For things to stay if only so that we can take a breath
People like me bearing the weight of their clocks looking at a world that seems to stay even when everything has changed
In the end nothing stays
Everything changes
The clock ticks marching on
Where new friends will be made
Where opportunities will present itself
Where things will begin anew
In a world where everything never stays