Where am i from?
I am from the central part of Africa, from makossa and bikutsi;
from” a house built of love” and a room filled with kindness and wisdom.
I from Red stinkwood and daisy, cacao and butch tea;
from hard-work and honesty, from Monique and Victor, Koms and Kamdems.
I am from Africa the place where slave were taken, where my generation suffer but gets better;
From fairy tales stories and African stories. I am from different languages.
I am from the chanting catholics, from Christ Roy and from the sounding of the bell every Sunday;
from farms, busy road, trees and small villages, from corn cook and eaten in the evening;
From ‘hardworking peoples” with hands of steel. From a grandmother that spoiled me with oranges and beignet.
I am from heavy rains and true stories, from strength, wisdom, love and hard-workers.