when she calls me baby
ask me a yes or no question and I'll give you a one word response
but let her ask me a yes or no question and I'll give her a speech if it's what she really wants
ask me for a favor and I'll help you out if I can
but let her ask me for a favor and I'll go to the ends of this earth for her
cross a line with me and I'll tell you that you've gone too far and that'll be the last time
but let her cross a line with me--she can't because she's already crossed all of them
see the thing about her is I love her more than anyone
she is my life and she knows it
that's why she knows no matter how many times he wrongs me
I'll always give in to her
she's cheated on me and I've been so ready to end it
but then she calls me baby and I melt in the palm if her hand
she could kill me and I'd still watch over her and make sure she's safe
she loves me in her own special way and that's why I love her
I'll never let her go, not again