When Life is Beautiful Even through The Pain
Depression sinks in, Lonliness creeps up. What in this world keeps us from the pain?
The way your heart rushes and beats sporadically when the glint of an eye and a wink from your friend, after crumbling into hysterics, when you completely understand each other without words. The way you mischieviously smile at the 6 feet tall handsome guy, while pumping gas and you get a rush of adrenaline.The way when your car hits a curb, while ur frantically searching for an excuse to stop a grumbling tummy and the intrusive appetite it caused and someone helps you change your tire, while you embarrassingly pretend you're not a damsel in distress. The way a puppy and its milky breath brushes against your cheek at the park after running to catch a run-away ball covered in globs of saliva. The way you feel when you touch someone and electricty makes your mind race with the temptations yet to come. The way you feel when you give someone a ride and they don't expect anything in return. The way a homeless person smiles when you give them the rest of your Subway that you were too full to eat. The way that Love overpowers any judgements and self doubts you may have about your past mistakes. The way that you can come home to someone and they fixed a heartful time-intensive dinner for you, and tell you dishes can wait and to sit and relax and enjoy their company. The way a co-worker laughs at you after you triple-trip within a 5 minute period, while you're on the floor crying and laughing simulteneously because it hurts, but it's also hilarious. Those are the moments when Life is beautiful, even through the pain and that is what makes it Awesome! Words only begin to cover what those feelings feel like. It is best to be in that moment and experience those events to realize that everything is awesome! If you can keep smiling, you're doing something right!