When I Turned Five
My mommy and her new boyfriend
Bought me a bike,
A blue and red Mongoose
With shiny wheels.
And the man who was to become
My eternal tormentor
Wheeled it into the bowling alley
Where I was just blowing out the candles
On my Strawberry Shortcake birthday cake.
My mommy and daddy
Didn’t live together anymore,
But they gave me a book
Full of myths and legends
From all around the world.
My mommy’s boyfriend
Would hang upside-down
From the monkey bars
And make faces at me.
My mommy would teach me
About how to cook breakfast,
While I sat in the living room
Singing songs to the rain.
All I understood of my daddy
Was that he worked long hours
And that at the end of the day
He would always return to us.
I loved him with all my heart.
That was the year
The girl across the hall who was my age
Taught me how to French kiss
And I asked all the older boys
To be my boyfriend,
But they just laughed
And dumped sand in my hair.
That was the year
We found one of the kittens dead in a sock
Because he’d suffocated to death,
And my sister and I gave one of them
A bath in milk and ketchup
Because he was orange.