She was only in the mid of her age

When her womanhood was in the prime

That her husband died, died in the bush

He was fighting guerrilla war, for freedom

Freedom of fatherland, when the snake sank its fangs,

The two deadly poisonous fangs in the flesh of his thighs,

The puff adder poison overwhelmed his blood, he dropped dead,

His penis instantly erecting with the last bullet,

Bullet of fertility which he had preserved for her,

To fertilize her egg for the last chance,

On which they called sire a child of freedom

And call it Uhuru, liberte, Freheit or Freedom,

She heard of it and she mourned, with grieve

 Fearing her future life without the husband,

The only one, father of her five sons,

Him who broke her virginity in one afternoon

In the fields under the canopy of a bush thicket,

He broke her virginity with electrical like energy

In the stiffness of his erect African penis,

She wailed with sweetness of sensuousness

Clinking on his muscular and warm body

In libidinous foretaste of her soon wedding,

She remembers all these in cacotopian bitterness.


On getting news of his death, in the bush,

She swore to herself to remain pure till her death,

She kept on washing his clothes for years and years,

Preparing and preserving food for him every evening,

She often played sex with him in her sweet dreams,

She ironed his clothes and brushed his shoes for years,

He often came in the night, to give her baby talk,

She still wrote love letters to him via the address;

Po box, care of death in the city of his grave,

She dead all these for decades after his death.





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