when a class becomes a community, it’s awesome
being the only cis-female
in an STEM engineering class
of cis-males
was new
(especially in a high school school where more “girls” attend than “boys”)
so there i was
in a room
alone without female company
with a bunch of guys
who were raised on a diet of mechanics and technology
while i had made a ballsy decision to pursue engineering
a topic i knew next to nothing about
for the first week i regretted signing up for the class
it felt like a mass of cliche stereotypes
with the boys overlooking social cues
fumbling through conversations
and i could barely keep up with all the
technical terms flying around
which i looked up
google definitions to
watched youtube explanations for
late at night because i was embarrassed
by my ignorance and illiteracy that had been fostered in me
next to
“that’s a boy’s toy”
“let your brother do this”
“your husband will do that for you”
i had been disallowed skills under the hope that someone else would be there
instead of me
and that made me upset because as a teenager i was told it's only natural to want to be independent but i could only be independent if i was dependent on someone else
which really wasn't being independent at all
and so i got mad
and i wanted to quit
(but i missed the deadline to switch
so i was stuck
in that class with a bunch of people and a bunch of tools
i didn’t know the names of nor how they worked)
i learned though
i studied how to ask questions that masked my ignorance
how to appear engaged when my mind was spinning faster than our CNC drill bit
so i could figure it out later at home
(because the room felt like an unshared space)
but i came to realize that that's what classmates are for
to fill in the gaps of education
they are the bridges to higher understanding
so when i
grew to know my seatmates
and they no longer were just peers and acquaintances
but greetings in the hallways
and inside jokes
i found myself adopted
and supported
and it was a family that we had in that machine room
we bickered and teased each other
and we stuck with each other
and we grew to want to help each other
and be exasperated by each other
because we finally knew each other
we learned dirty secrets
and found dark corners
and prodded old bruises
but remade each other stronger
because we learned where to provide structural support
when we had the schematics in front of us
we learned about tensile strength
and how when things reach the breaking point
past the modulus elasticity
they become deformed
and we applied that to
when things go downhill in life
because we knew
from all the duct tape and plastic straw and paper design challenges
how brittle something can look
doesn’t undermine its capability
and how sometimes things need to snap
to be remade
so when
the red emergency stop button had to be pressed
to a tune of s.o.s
in our lives
we took care
picked up the pieces
worked from the ground up
and redesigned each other
that’s how it this happened
how this became more than a hour of class
in this isolated room on the end of a dead end hall in the back pocket of our building
we became more
not just an assorted mix of geeks and nerds
bolted and screwed together
by the bell schedule
we were more
we were community
we wrote our hopes in formulas
balanced equations and our lives
friction fit ourselves back together
drilled holes through our defenses
rewired our outlook on the world
stained our clothes with grease and hard work
and bled more times to count
(but only because we knew someone had a bandaid)
we became structurally sound
counteracting each others parts
we achieved equilibrium
and shifted internally
to create space for one another
and for the 55 minutes
we were in that
Science Technology Engineering Math
stayed together every moment
(which is awesome)