What's Goin On (Rap & the Community)
You spew forth the archetype, for what We should be
"We" being the youth from low-income families
You alone hold the virtues of our character
Little known fact that you're no more than just an actor
Volatile spittle containing the contagion
That moulds the hearts & minds in those of younger ages
Holding all that scintillates, ensnaring minds & eyes alike
Of those who think gun-bearing & drug-deals are the archetype
Popping pills & homicides are just a way of life
Your lyrics do nothing but add to that pool of strife
Another spoke in the feverish wheel
Your words breed a steady stream of stupidity
Making us look insipid in the black & brown community
Mothers losing sons to drug charges
Kids killing kids in a game of "Who's The Hardest"
Fathers disowning daughters on the basis of premarital pregnancy
It almost seems as if these rappers are members of a clandestine agency
This is the process of exsanguination of our culture
Where Money is deified, and our community is tortured
By the hands of the avaricious, telling us we should bathe in riches
And confused faces leer at me when I ask "Is this supposed to be us? What is this?"