What A Year
What A Year
It all happened so fast,
The year 2016.
High school came to an end
And college was no longer “just around the riverbend”.
Childhood turned to adulthood
And everyone said “don’t worry, you’ll be good”.
I learned a lot about myself this year.
What makes me happy and what makes me sad
All became perfectly clear.
I learned that it’s impossible to hide
All of what’s inside
Because it’s futile to try to be happy all the time.
For a while I thought I wouldn’t be okay;
That I needed to be saved,
But I found out that being my own hero was what I really craved.
I found out where I stand on certain issues
And how important morality actually is
Because the person going to be President is going to make me need some tissues.
I voted for the first time and exercised my rights
Guess I’m going to have to try again to get someone willing to fight.
2016: what a year.
It had it’s highs and it’s lows
And definitely kept me on my toes.
I learned many things
About life, myself, and this country
But I know that no matter what I have to learn to fly with my own wings
I have to walk to the beat of my own drum
And to never forget where I came from
Because I am my own person
In my own version.