What Would You Sacrifice?
What do you dream of doing for your job,
What do you wish you could do,
No matter what the circumstances are.
At our dream jobs we may not get paid a lot,
But if it is your dream job,
You will feel like you never have to work a day of your life,
And that should be enough.
But dreaming of what I would want to be,
Only creates confusion,
I know what I wish I could be,
But am I willing to sacrifice those things we are used to?
What is you dream job?
What would you do to become one?
What would you sacrifice?
In life we want to be happy,
Enjoy what we invest our time in,
So why is this decision so tough?
Happiness is what we need,
Happiness is what we deserve.
So what will you choose,
A job you dream of,
Or a job you would enjoy for the money?
What would you sacrifice,
Happiness and your passion,
Or material objects?