What Would You Change
September 11, 2001 started how?
Two towers stood tall.
Ninety-three became a plow.
One hundred and ten floors tumble and fall.
October 7, 2001 at war he said.
Sixty eight thousand troops there now.
Three thousand four hundred and twenty three U.S. dead.
Seven hundred billion dollars spent, WOW!
One man nicknamed Geronimo.
Sixth Seal team sent on a mission.
First of May “Here we go!”
Twenty five men who got permission.
Third floor is where he tried to hide.
Fourty minutes is all it took.
Twenty four hours and he became part of the tide.
Four miles deep, where no one can look.
May 2, 2011 Osama Bin Laden killed.
ONE nation now thrilled.
What would I change?
The number of troops,
the number of days,
the number of deaths,
the number…