What would I change?
If I had power
real power
I'd change the idea
that cruelty
is power.
Unneccessary unkindness
is a concept that I thought
had expired in middle school but
apparently not
as I witness my peers
tearing into one another
for sport.
In the library during midterms
frantically memorizing AP terminology
only to overhear
shrill voices
condemning a girl for not drinking
only to ask those voices to please
please grow a little softer
some people are trying to study
only to be ridiculed later
to make such a suggestion.
Standing on a train platform
grand central
midnight on a tuesday
listening to girls
laugh at
make fun of
a girl that had passed out
urinated on the concrete
vomited on her
pretty pink skirt
blue-haired girls cackling
in the face of another's pain.
Listening to a story recounted
by a fourteen year old girl
told to her by a thirteen year old boy
about his big brother
his role model
who enjoys taking nerds out to bars
getting them wasted
and leaving them alone
high fiving buddies as he leaves
a joke stranded
What is good
what is fun
what is so intriguing about
causing senseless pain
about poking fun and
throwing cruel words
at those who did not do a single thing
to harm you?
If I could change
one little thing
it would be
the unkindness
people show
one another.
And the reasons
that people
feel they need
to be unkind
in the first place.