What Would I Change

Mon, 02/03/2014 - 14:18 -- QLexE

If my tiny little voice

Could be heard, loud and clear

What would I say?

What would I change?


I would say,

We need to love each other

We need to stop fighting.

I would change

All the hate and the war

All the civilian casualties.


If my itty bitty words

Could be heard, in every place

What would I say?

What would I change?


I would say,

We need to stop oppressing each other

We need to listen to what everyone has to say.

I would change

All the crushed spirits

All the broken dreams.


If my single, shaking voice

Could make a difference

What would I say?

What would I change?


I would talk until I'd used up all the air

That I'd been given to talk with.

I would change every last thing

That we humanitarians fight to fix.

Feminism, LGBTQ rights, racial inequality

Wage gaps, corruption, abuse.


I would fix every last thing

There was to be fixed

Until the only thing

That needed to be changed

Would be

How perfect the world is.


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