What Truly Belongs to Me?
When I bring someone new ou never like what you see
My happiness comes from your happiness don't you realize that
I'm not being heard at all
I'm screaming for help but you just keep going about our day
My smile has been so fake and phony for so long I can barely remeber how to do it correctly
I was healed for years but I am beginning to feel every single cinder block on my back
My knees are buckling my back is arching
Many people don't realize that there is a very thin line between a breaking point and insanity
i just want you to be happy so that I can be happy
every single"I'm Disapointed in you" puts another block on my shoulders
I can't handle it anymore
I'm so close to just throwing in the towl and finding my own way by myself
Some things are not meant to be contained
I want to taste the air at night
I want to see who ever I wish to see for as long as I want
I want my nose pierced
I want to choose my career
I want to be an adult
I just want to be finally be free