What is Society?
It is very common for people to say nothing or no one is perfect; there’s nothing wrong with being perfectly imperfect. But the way I see it, if that stands to be true, why not be the first to prove those people wrong. They say that mistakes are just common ways of life; everyone makes them so it’s acceptable. I disagree. I believe that mistakes are obstacles suppressing us from our aspirations and are excuses to why we didn’t succeed. If everyone in the world can agree on one thing, then that thing is true. But, if one person shall disagree, his theories, thoughts, and beliefs are all cast into a bin of what society regards as false, unacceptable, and reprehensible. But who’s right, and who’s wrong? Does the truth favor society, or the philosophical thinker? Or maybe the truth favors neither, and life is a contradiction within itself. Maybe there is no pleasing our world. Maybe the purpose of society’s standards, given by the people of those who dwell in it, isn’t to please it. Whatever its purpose is, I disagree.
Every day we expect to obtain something new, whether it’s knowledge of something we never knew about or simply just having the expectation of our next breath. But what are we expected to give? Who sets the standards of what life and society expects of us and is it possible to reach them? In my opinion, there are none because I believe the concept of society exists only in such a way that is mental, therefore, the standards are set by the goals and capabilities of one and the purpose of society being only what one makes it to be for himself.