What should I say?
The page is blank
What should I write?
Should it be a sad poem?
How about a poem about death?
Love Poems?
What should I write?
You only write once
to get a point across
to portray a picture
to make an impact
What should I write?
But you can't write just once
It takes several attempts to create a masterpiece
More than one sketch
More than one draft.
What should I write?
The message is vital
Not the writing
What should I write?
Why hide the message in mumbled phrases?
Just say it out loud
If what they say is true
You only have one chance to get your message across.
What should I write?
I fear my opportunity is slipping
But this message must be clear
Writing is not a one time thing
but the message is.
So the question is no longer
What should I write but rather
What should I say?