Is This What People See?
Is this what people see?
Just the material me
Average, blue-eyed, blonde-haired me
Nothing sets me apart
Besides my lack of care for myself
Is this what people see?
The sweats and mix-matched clothes
The skin that is so white
The face and eyes so dull
The lack of a chest
Is this what people see?
The white legs and dirty shoes
The skinny belly that will always be
The crazy hair that's always in a pony tail
The face that says who cares
Why can't people see?
The sharp eyes that analyze everything
The hands that never sit still
Always wanting to be doing something
The clothes that say I do care
Why can't people see?
The athleticism in my constant bouncing leg
The brain that shows I am not dumb
The face that says I want you to know the real me
The hair that means I'm ready
Why can't people see?
I want to fit in, but don't know how
I constantly feel alone even with friends
Just because I usually don't care about myself
Doesn't mean that I don't care about you