What is love

What is love some ask, its the gentle way a breeze sweeps your hair,

the turning of the leaves from green to a beautiful orange.

what is love you might know, but maybe you do not?

Love to me is a beautiful misery, a strong feeling of painful attraction,

How do we know its real, that it will last, take the leap and forget our past?

Well let me tell you I dont know but I took that leap but for what? 

Two years of wonderful miserable bliss?

I think was this worth it or was it not,

I guess time will tell as it does not stop,

It keeps going and going wether your keeping up or not,

it will sweep you away like an ocean wave,

Then leave you marooned in the sand gasping for air,

as you sit and think what was that? Was it love?


This poem is about: 
Our world


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