What Love Is
I promise to be honest with you.
Even if I’m scared of your reaction,
Or know my words will bring you pain
I will always be truthful
Because Love is Honesty.
I promise to support you.
Even when I’m anxious about the choices you make,
And desire to jump in and take control, I won’t.
Instead, I’ll walk with you hand in hand, side by side.
Through your journey I will be your biggest cheerleader
Because Love is encouragement.
I promise to be calm.
Even on the days when you make me angry,
Or the times when I feel stressed and annoyed
I will always be still,
Because love is patience.
Lastly, I promise to never let you go
Even on days where we bicker
During times where it’s as if we’ll never agree,
You will always be mine,
And I will always be yours
Because love is commitment.
And I shall remain committed to you
Because love is forever,
And forever is the time I will spending loving you.