What is love
This is the story of four friends,
their love for a girl never ends.
We didn't do any crimes,
just made up couple of rhymes.
Hoping that one day they could change,
Our friends thought it was strange.
Why go after them? " There's more fish in the sea".
"Forget about them and be free". He told me.
They don't know that what we feel is real love,
it's purer than a dove.
They don't seem to undertand it,
we feel like giving up I admit.
But our hearts whisper, "Just wait a bit".
We would treat them like ueens,
It'll be something they've never seen.
All we need is a chance,
to start our own romance.
We think about them 24/7
Our love for them is above heaven.
From one to ten they're an eleven.
The fact is, we both will lose something.
We'll lose the girl that we loved the most,
but they... They'll lose the guy that loved them more than anything on earth.