What If
What if you never had the opportunity to throw away that lunch your mother made you because you decided that you didn't like turkey that day
What if you didn't have that extra buck or two to replace that lunch you just trashed
What if you didn’t have any food at all?
What if you didn’t get to crack open that fresh new water bottle but instead you had to strain water through towels from the river down that way
And what if I told you that cloudy mud water was also the same water you bathed in?
What if I told you that you wouldn't have to dread going to school tomorrow morning since school isn't a normal ordeal in your country
What if I told you that some children use school as an escape from the real world at home but didn’t have that opportunity anymore
What if the cure for cancer is trapped inside the mind of someone who can't afford an education?
And what if you didn't have those cops that you hate sooo much to come around and protect you from robbers so you could sleep with both eyes shut at night
What if instead of a cookie cutter home in the suburbs you came to a tiny hut that consisted of mud and sticks
Or what if you didn't even have a roof over your head at all?
What if you couldn't afford that sweet new pair of Nike's or Air Jordan's that you wanted so bad
What if you didn't even have shoes. Imagine walking around with absolutely no shoes, leaving your feet completely unprotected from the sharp gravel on the ground. I dare you to go an entire day walking around without soles on your feet.
What if I to you that all your clothes were made from scraps of other pieces of clothing. Some people would argue that clothes aren't really a basic necessity but what if those people didn't have the opportunity to choose - would clothes be important then?
What if you didn't have the luxury of a hospital - let alone a doctor - because your mother is sick or your little brother has the measles and you don’t know how to fix it?
We really don't know what rough actually is. Next time you "can't even" or "literally can't right now" because you've hit a bump in the road, think about that.