What I Believe In
Growing up I was always told to fight for what I believe in.
Well as a kid I believed in faeries and would argue with my siblings, whether or not they did.
My siblings would say something like
“Shania you’re an idiot. Faeries don’t exist.”
Then as any sassy 5 year old would say, I would retort back with a simple
“Says you.”
Of course I was wrong.
A few years later, I believed that spirits existed.
No one proved me wrong, so I still believe.
But as I grew up I finally learned what fighting for what I believed in meant.
I fought with everyone.
My friends.
My family.
My teachers.
Heck, even principals and the superintendent.
Of course I got in a lot of trouble for this.
I spent countless times being sent to my room.
Sitting in the hall.
Going home early.
and even suspended for being too opinionated.
I’ve slowed down a lot since then on fighting for what I believe in, but I still do fight.
Ask anyone who’s close to me.
They know just how bad I get.
Just like any other person I’ve been put down.
Told my opinion doesn’t matter.
But did it stop me?
I’m a girl who believes strongly that everyone has a voice.
Has their own life.
Has their own story.
So be who you want to be.
I’m a girl who believes in religion, whichever one I may be interested in.
I believe that the sky bends whichever way you want it to.
That we each fall through a hole in the ground, but we claw our way out.
Even if you don’t agree, you have something you believe in.
So believe in faeries or ghosts or that the world is going to collapse.
Believe whatever you want to.
But fight for it, and if anyone challenges you and dares say you are wrong.
Prove to them, you’re right.