What Difference Does It Make?

Tell me what difference does it make; whether I use my artistic left hand to write; or whether I voraciously emboss alphabets on barren paper with the bohemian fingers in my right?
As long as the ramification of it all; is literature which handsomely depicts the spell bindingly unassailable fragrance of bountifully burgeoning mankind.

Tell me what difference does it make; whether I devoutly kneel down on the
majestic steps of the fantastically embellished church; or whether I close my impoverished eyes in ardent obeisance sitting inside the abysmally forlorn gutter pipe?
As long as the ramification of it all; is the image of profoundly Omnipotent benevolence; the grace of the insuperably inimitable Lord Almighty; towering
high in every philanthropic thought of mine.

Tell me what difference does it make; whether I bathe in the most bombastically fudged of glittering gold bathrooms; or whether I let every element of my emaciated skin rejuvenate under rustic droplets of rain tumbling from fathomless sky?
As long as the ramification of it all; is the essence of miraculous freshness transcending over even the most infinitesimal of my dreadfully beleaguered senses; austerely cleansing my sordid body of derogatorily deceased and perfidious shit.

Tell me what difference does it make; whether I tirelessly embrace every conceivable religion which humans coined; or whether I chose to forever remain oblivious to any caste; creed or sect; forever remain nameless?
As long as the ramification of it all; is the river of perennially bonding symbiotism; which Omnisciently cascaded through every cranny of my molecular heart and soul.

Tell me what difference does it make; whether I clad my feet in the most contemporarily designer footwear; or whether I left them threadbarely barren; with my bucolically untrimmed nails grotesquely extruding out?
As long as the ramification of it all; is the path of unflinchingly peerless righteousness; that I perennially tread upon.

Tell me what difference does it make; whether I sung through the most mellifluously majestic of microphones; or whether I uninhibitedly unfurled the discordantly raucous chords of my throat; into the sheath of the simplistic atmosphere?
As long as the ramification of it all; is the message of ubiquitously symbiotic brotherhood; handsomely perpetuating every philanthropic heart alike.

Tell me what difference does it make; whether I used the most powerfully
enviable of field glasses; or whether I let the whites and blacks of my eyes
rampantly wander around?
As long as the ramification of it all; is that the spirit of impeccably untainted goodness; assimilated into every construable cranny of my soul and harmonious body.

Tell me what difference does it make; whether I resided on the most unprecedented precipice of the gigantically impregnable mountain; or whether I exhaled air every instant of my life infinite feet beneath the bed of listlessly sedentary soil?
As long as the ramification of it all; is the mist of redolently humanitarian fantasy; embodying itself deeper and deeper into the diminutively emaciated dormitories of my mind.

And tell me what difference does it make; whether I endlessly romanced within the unfathomably luxurious walls of the Opulent castle; or whether I bonded with the most adorable companion of my life on the squalidly bedraggled streets; deluged with nothing else but the penuriously profane begging bowl?
As long as the ramification of it all; is the sacrosanct thread of Immortally blessing marriage; forever coalescing me with the wave of united existence; forever liberating me from the aisles of worthlessness; and forever and ever and ever into the unconquerably untamed sanctuary of Omnipotent love.


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