What is Awesome About Life?
So what’s so awesome about life?
So many tragedies and hardships to endure
So many closed doors
So many times you fall and fumble
Days that left you heartbroken and moments that were best to be left unspoken
In fear that tomorrow may be worse
But life is awesome in a different way
It is awesome in the way that it molds you
It teaches you
It breaks you
And it builds you back up again
Because for every struggle you endure there is the promise of tomorrow
We say to ourselves
One more week of school
Two more days of work
For where in the darkness and depression lurks the now we find joy in thoughts of the future
When the growing pains are over you look back and praise the journey as well as the fruits of your labor
You look back and laugh
Wasn’t that crazy
I can’t believe we did that
Look where I am now
Look how I have blossomed
And you don’t regret a single thing
Because the journey was something undisputedly awesome