What am I doing?
Happiness, I feel it there
Happiness, I hope to see it somewhere
Pain, I know it here
Pain, I carry it everywhere
A moment of joy, is
Too much to ask for
In this world of misery,
I envision only agony
A little bit of fun perhaps?
An inkling of summertime madness?
I had my chance, that Eden is gone
Decaying to the floor, don’t hold on
Happiness is the truth you say?
Nothing but a web of lies, I surmise
Only sadness grounds me
Only loss guides me
Every time I smile,
Those muscles ache
But quickly the pain passes
And all that’s left is work to make
Hidden in the waters, of yesterday
Found in the salt marshes, of cometh day
The death is there, my eyes are gray
Only a few seconds, and only if I may.
Once again, the happiness rises
Once again, the pain comes down
It lands with the thud of a thousand needles
Upon the body of my earthly self
So I tell my people,
I am yours no more,
This what you see, is a shell
A cocoon of frozen glory
Never again shall true happiness reign,
Not until the heart stops beating, slain
But by then, there will be nothing and nothing at all
Till that day, alone shall I tread, this road upon flames