Welcome to the Fucked Up Generation
We. Are. Dying.
Welcome to hell!
Welcome to the fucked up generation
of pill poppers
and suicidal kids
and anxiety
and mental illness
Welcome to our 3 AM
our 2: 20 PM
our suicide letters
and our cashmere
and our Cluless goals
Welcome to the kids who are suckers
for the darkest cultre
we flip through Lolita
and Johnny Got His Gun
and The Outsiders
Because we have never related more to literature
than in these books
even though
we did not drive the states twice with a crazed pedophile like Dolores
or have our body blown to just a torso and half a face like Jon
and we didn't let bullets peirce us like pins under a streetlamp like Dallas
but we are tormented too
we are rape victims
and we are awarded medals for something arbitrary to smooth the rough edges of our situation
and we are filled with the sorrow of a boy who grew up too rough
and we all cry
for ourselves
for our friends
our lovers
our world
we are all dying