Welcome To America
Your hotdogs and potato chips are served with a side of ignorance
While you down beer and soda pop
There are children in concentration camps
Who haven't showered, who haven't eaten, who are sick, who are dying
Children who we ignore
Welcome to America
As fireworks explode in the sky
Remember the bullets exploding in classrooms, festivals, Walmarts and clubs
The innocent lives stolen
The children crying
The parents mourning
Welcome to America
Think about the politicians
Those who believe money and personal gain are more important than the lives being lost everyday
Who turn their heads away from tragedy
And send out a quick tweet of thoughts and prayers after their golf game
Welcome to America
As you walk to the picnics and fairs
Think about the trans people being killed on the streets
Think about how children are still hearing
"Trans woman are just men in dresses
Trans men are just confused dykes
Nonbinary people, that's not a thing"
Remember using preferred pronouns is suicide prevention
Welcome to America
The land of the free
If you are a young, affluent, white boy
For a judge will be kind to you
Because he see's your potential
For you are young, she was drunk...
Whatever lies and excuses the judge makes will set you free
It was her mistake she wore the short dress
Which means it wasn't your fault you raped her
Welcome to America
But there are little black boys sitting in jail
Because of things they haven't done
Because of a broken system they will never see their families again
White kids think it's so cool to get lit and roll one during Coachella
While people of color are in cells for a little bit of weed found on them
When an officer pulls them over for "not belonging" in their own neighborhood
Welcome to America
As you run to the beaches
Remember you are walking on stolen land
Land flooded with waste and plastic
You are killing something that was never yours
We have to fight with you that water is a basic right
The water you package in plastic that then gets thrown in the ocean
Flint hasn't has safe water in five years
Welcome to America
America likes to steal
We steal lives
We steal rights
We steal land
We sell it back to you for a hefty price
Welcome to America
So think about this while you celebrate
This country you may call home
Freedom is just a false ideal that we all own
Welcome to America