Weeping Willow

I was far too young when I met the tree

Yet it has stayed a lasting memory

It was thick and tall with branches low

It dipped into the water below

It reached so high, but touched the ground

I would sit in it and make no sound

Over time the tree grew old

It had lived through storms and winter's cold

I loved the tree and miss it's touch

A feeling that I miss so much

The tree would shift and rustle with wind

It was never cut, never trimmed

We let the tree grow as it pleased

Often it's leaves would make me sneeze

I never wanted to leave the tree

Sometimes I wish it was still with me

I'd like to go and see it some day,

The house and the barn in which I played

We had to go when my grandfather died

His wife got sick and I couldn't hide

I had to grow up and help out my dad

He tried to be strong, but I know he was sad

We sold the house and the property too

We sold the field I used to run through,

But it wasn't the field that most upset me

It was the loss of he, the old willow tree.

When I die and my body decays

I know what I want and where I'm to lay

I want to be placed under a tree

A tree like the one in my memories.


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