A Weakness I've Strayed Away From

I sit there, still. Patient. You walk in, tall. Confident. And then I bury my face in this oversized sweater, 40 degrees weather outside, but feels like 90 inside from the heat I produced from seeing you. And you. Flawless and aimless and no care in the world. While I sit here in my sweater, 90 degrees weather, thinking, 'What would it be like to be that girl.

That girl that you see as flawless. That girl that you see as perfect. That girl that is tall and confident like you. Loved and seen as a prize. Loved and envied and trophied with her precious and significant life.

But no. No. That is not what I want. That is not what I deserve from you. I deserve a guy who actually cares. I deserve a guy who cares enough to let me know that he cares and shows he cares and lets everyone know he cares and doesn't stare at me like I'm some piece of candy. Like I am a prize to be won. Like I am the kind of girl who is never in her right mind who ignores the signs that say stop.

So go. Listen to my flow that I've prepared for you. I know the truth. I know what you see. Never cared, never shared, never wanted to learn about me like I you. Never cared never shared, never wanted to learn the truth. Never cared never shared, never wanted to see me as I you.

So no. No. I see through the eyes of Nora Helmer. I am not a doll. I am not a pet. I am not a bird. I should be your world. I am human, not a form of entertainment, and until you see that, until you take the covers off your eyes, the universe will wait for you then hit you by surprise. And after all the lies that you told, I am able to see that you and me were nothing but an idea.

A cloud lingering about the mind, taking the time to develop. But taking so long that it shriveled up and vanished. Away. Like my lust for you.


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