It’s simple you see
We’re angry.
We’ve held our outrage
by a string,
A ballon of animosity
I can’t believe has lasted so long,
Maybe our hope has contained it
Hope for
Dignity, shoot
Hope for Freedom
I still feel my wrists chained together,
And I can see chains dangle from fragile,
Yet brave and determined brothas and sistas
These ancient chains come to be hereditary
We are imprisoned, oppressed,
Not free to be black!
The moment we’re born.
This balloon of animosity
Grows with each new beautiful young and
Hope grows lethargic while attempting
To grasp this balloon
But we’ve felt our
Black heads pinned to the concrete,
We’ve felt our lives held
In the hands of a murder (cop, I mean),
And our anger has found freedom
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Annette M Velasquez
The imagery, metaphors and raw emotion within this poem is excellent! This shows poetic skill because you've given detailed descriptions and good comparisons... Language such as " balloon of animosity" " hope grows lethargic" holding outrage by a string, and the image of chains- all of this is powerful and impactful. I have read your other poetry, and while they showed raw, honest emotion and were clear and to the point- this one showcases your use of craft- sheer poetry.