We found each other
We first found each other
on the outskirts of a city made
for normalcy.
The rigid, metallic buildings
shut their doors to us
long ago,
The gates locked
behind us
long ago.
Faces that once
stared and sneered
had long since forgotten
our existence.
But in the grey
lonely alley
we found each other.
We came together
as broken
as breaking.
Life had left us
with only a
few pieces of
Pieces held together
by slithers of hope.
When we found
each other
our lungs released
a sigh of relief.
Knowing that
The hope had not
been a pointless
dream after all.
With our working
and fingertips
we held each other
We held tightly
our bodies had become
Our muscles had become
Our hearts pumped
life through our veins
and our eyes
shone brightly
with love
and courage.
And we knew that
we had found
each other
to breathe
life back into
each other's lungs.