We Are More Than What You See...

Thu, 05/01/2014 - 14:55 -- algaddy


When others see my people they see unwanted babies, guns, and gangs
when i see my people i see the whips and the chains
of my enslaved people
i see the tears, hurt, and pain
i see the fears and worse to gain
i see the whip wounds under shirts
i see the sometimes present fathers
i see the tempted virgin daughters
the over worked but still working mothers
and the loving, gang banging brothers
i see the beauty in all that is black
even though there are many things we lack
i see the scars of a beaten people
i will be the star that leads my people
to freedom, to righteousness, to justice
to the holy land
i will walk with my people hand-in-hand
i love my people
but we don't love ourselves
we fight because we don't know ourselves
we kill over the only thing that truly sells
we sell ourselves short
we settle for less
we take hand outs and buy things that can we do without
we hurt, because we never had
i will lead my people down the road to success
i know the things we can accomplish when we're at our best
but it's up to ourselves
we have to hold ourselves to a higher standard
we have to love ourselves like there is no slander
we have to be better, 
if we knew better, we'd do better
my people, we have to change like the weather
we have to change for the better
we have to come together
as one black face, under one black race
that is the only way to win this unfair, adiverse race
we have to work together
we have to be better
we are not what they created
but we are what we make us
we don't want to be known solely as niggas,
we are more than that, 
these invisible marks on my back prove that


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