We All Can't Live Without It
To live.
What can I live without?
A better question, what shall I live without?
So many things I wouldn’t miss,
my intelligence, Oreo’s, modern technology.
The possibilities, endless.
This is life's ways of making me think.
However, it's what I am thinking with
that affects everything.
It's understood that all living things need
a “heart”, per se, to live,
can't live without them.
Kicking the biology to the curb,
I believe I wouldn't be able to live without
my one and only heart.
I need my heart to love,
not only the things around me,
but also myself.
To love the things,
I was meant to love.
I need my heart so I
can know the difference between
right and wrong.
Between success and failure.
Between real,
and not real.
I need my heart
to guide my decisions.
My heart holds all the answers.
I'll never have to physically cheat,
my brain receives
out of sight
There's a saying,
that proclaims I
should think with my head,
not my heart.
Well newsflash:
My head is influenced by my heart.
I don't need a notebook of any sort
because my heart holds all the important memories.
No pen and paper required.
All the material things in life
tend to cloud around, losing myself in the fog
I forget
what I already have.
I have what will stay with me.
What will never run from me,
what I can't live without.
I have what grows along with me.
The source of my being
and what can lead to
my destruction.
I have what you have.
When it's attacked,
it's puts up a fight.
Only dying when it knows
it's time.
My beating heart,
My life long companion.
What I can't live without.