Tie me down in your love cradle.
Straddle me with your strength.
Plant a delicate kiss upon thy lips and escort me into a world of bliss.
Mystical breaths tease the curve of my ear. Your spirit’s pleasant presence graces a charm with no fear.
Bewitched by your captivities and fastened into the pries of your compassionate soul…
Your love was destined to fill the lumpy void in my chest, a sourness so bitter it burned beyond control.
A simple embrace capable of feeding life back into the arms of starvation and hunger, quenched a body which is now full.
Delicate melodies hummed…ever so lightly.
Soft, gentle, but never dull.
Splendid drops of serenity, frail and tender trickled among an ambiance that offered a sweet nectar of quietness.
We, were inseparable…
Cool rays of the moon rocked us to sleep.
Resting under your defined jaw and comforted by the curvature of your smooth neck, at last there was nothing but peace.
Not a sound, but the soft airy exhalations our bodies released.
Heaving in unison we united as one.
One temple.
One soul.
One heartbeat.