The Way of life
We all have talents, some of us a lot, some of us don’t even know it, some have music, some of us play a sport, I love to write, I am a poet. Writing may appear easy, not a sweat or a tear, but when you are a poet your writings can bring out happiness or fear. Writing is in my blood, it started when I was four, I picked up a pen and started writing, and now, I just want to write more and more.
Writing brings out the good in me, I express just how I feel, I can tell my reader my thoughts, my actions, and my heart, all with a pen or pencil without ever saying a word, now to a writer, that is the best part. Have you ever had a dream you wish you would have put on paper, well as a writer of poetry that’s exactly what I do, I put my past and future in a writing or story just for you.
Without words what would this world be? It would silent, we would have time to think and see what our eyes are meant to see. The world is so busy we don’t take time to care, to put our thoughts on paper, to share a word to be aware. The world without a poet is a scary place to me, a world I would not want to have, live, or see!
Why do I write? Well that is pretty plain to see, without writing, without words, without poetry, I simply would not be me!