Waxpaper (racing ghosts)
I'm racing my ghosts.
They drift silently
Across black water
That contrasts nicely with
The white fog that utterly surrounds me
As I desperately swim
Making ripples in the glass surface
Hoping to feel my kicking feet
Hit gritty mud
And warm slimy moss
Between my toes
As I crawl ashore,
But the fog muffles
All sound
And the splashes I make seem
To be eerily small
In the vastness of the pond
Faces appear like wax paper masks
In and out
In and out
Of the fog,
Racing beside me
As my arms become
Harder to lift
And the water drains
Energy from my increasingly sluggish
The ghosts tell me that my swimming
Will never accomplish anything,
They tell me to let myself
Sink into the water.
I don't listen.