The Water, The Air
You never leave me
even when everyone else walks out
and stabs me in the back
and lets me down
over and over
You never leave me
You are there
even if I don’t acknowledge you,
You sit there and You
And I can come to You any time
to expose my feelings
or cry
or ramble about nothing
or everything.
And You are mine
Always mine
You are something I can call my
You know my secrets and
You never judge
You never interrupt
You don’t ask for explanations
or argue or dismiss
how I feel.
You just let me stamp my
ink blotted mess into
your canvas no matter how
loud or dark those colors
may be and You let me scream
and cuss and whine and complain
and You let me be creative without
Boundaries or
You let me
be me
and I need and want You
but without the withdrawal,
without the ticks and fidgets
of addiction.
You are healthy
You cleanse and purify
and renew my soul
You are real and authentic
and You never let me lie,
not for long
at least.
You are strong
with a back lifting
every ounce and pound
and ton of guilt
and shame and desperation
and depression and dehydration
and erosion and elation
that has ever blessed or
tortured me.
You are magic.
You are writing.
You are the friction between
the inked point and the parchment
You are the smashed pulp
that catches tears
and holds smiles
You are friend, family,
the shoulder to lean
or cry on.
You are writing.
My only solace.
My only drug.
My everything.