

I am me.

He is he.

She is she.


We are told that all people are different and unique in their own way.

But, in fact, I realize today, that

from the beginning, we have merely been brain washed.

Filled to the top with the idea of Individualization.

Today, I find myself living in a nation,

where we alienate ourselves,

separating high class and low class; young and old; beautiful and ugly;

black and white.


However, I recently found a bright light

that just might

help us to fight

for our right to be seen as one;

and not just one’s self.



Dripping, sprinkling, rushing, falling, parting.

Whether you get it from a well, from a porcelain bowl, a rusty faucet

or a nearby river,

water is water.

It is the simple element that ties our world together,

that makes us one,

that puts us on the same level

as everyone else.

Because without it, there would be no survival.

Tasteless; odorless; colorless,

yet filled with so much meaning.



Connecting continents and foreign lands,

holding a world that could not be made by man’s hands,

sheltering creatures both big and small,

protecting a world which humans know nothing of at all.

This simple element holds so much that we do not take the time to

stop and see.

It surrounds us in our everyday lives--

in our cups, in the shower, in the kitchen, in the skies.

I am starting to see the impact that water has

not only on me

but on the world that has yet to be.

This world is changing from top to bottom,

with every spin in a forward motion.

The past?

Oh it’s already forgotten.

We are starting to look through the lens of a different telescope and see

not my world,

or his world,

or her world,

but one world.

More eyes are being opened to see the future.

A world without jocks, asses, and losers.

A world where everyone is equal and humble.

A world where it’s okay to help someone up from a fumble.

Because we all make mistakes and indeed this is true.

But, our world would not be if it weren’t for

what water can do.



It can dry out the brain wash.

It can change what is now

into what can be,

and through the eye of this new lens we will see

That I am she.

He is me.

She is he.

And we, are one.


This poem is about: 
Our world


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