p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica}
she is water.
so beautiful, so dynamic,
bountiful and lovely.
without her I could only dream of survival.
I depend on her for my most basic life functions.
what she embodies is more than could ever be kept in any container.
she flows through me.
I crave her.
she quenches every thirst I have.
without her I near paranoia, delirium.
her absence leaves me dehydrated
of all motivation and happiness,
until all I can even think about
is having her again.
she’s so pure and balanced and lovely.
my selfish tendencies cause my wanting to bottle her up
and hide her from everyone else.
she’s my fountain of youth,
keeping me well and lively.
the feelings and satisfaction she provides me with
can only be attempted to be explained,
but never fully can be.
words cannot convey the depth
and vast nature
and complexity that she has.
every molecule of her being is so perfectly created.
the magnitude that allows for her bonds to form are unlike any other.
her polarity pulls me in close.
her presence makes me melt.
her absence makes me freeze.
she is everything
to me.