The Warrior is Me
Tough, Smart, Intelligent…
I am a fighter.
Leaping over obstacles and accomplishing dreams.
Pushing through the sludge of life contaminated by depression, homelessness, and debt,
Wading through the murky uncertainty and clinging onto my dreams.
I am a fighter.
There is no easy path
With my mind and trusty pen
I trudge forward
But progressing.
I am a fighter.
Worthy of and education and worthy of joy and happiness
Ready to challenge the naysayers in my journey.
I am a fighter.
Resilient to the core,
Bouncing back to my original shape after each negative tug and pull.
Powerful with words and beautiful in spirit.
A force to be reckoned with in my own right.
I am a fighter.
Tough, Smart, Intelligent.
Beautiful and Powerful.
Worthy and Resilient.
I am a fighter
The fighter is me.