Craeated by love ending in divorce, the warrior starts his uphill battle.
Used by someone he trusted and abused by someone he didn't know, yet the warrior carries on.
Tears of pain, scars of feeling worthless, thoughts of death, yet the warrior carries on.
Teased and put down, never having someone understand, yet the warrior carries on.
Lost and forgotten, the warrior will never give up, he will find his way.
Through loss and defeat the warrior choses to to fight because he owes it to himself.
Years of fighting to live a life worth livivng the warrior learns how to fall and rise.
The warrior once a boy now a successful man has finally found his way.
Fight on warrior, never forget where you have been and know where you want to go.
I am that warrior, I continue to fight for my life, I'm worthy of it and I will show it.