The Wallflower
A wallflower, without a word,
A man, without security,
A look of sullen passivity, and yet,
Never a look is given return.
Sadness is met with hate,
No one wants sadness in their lives
Especially not the sadness of one who is sad without cause,
Sad because the world is frightening and cold.
Sadness is cold incarnate,
Fear is the ice that seals these lips,
I cannot find the words to describe
That “I just feel sad all the time”
There is no reason,
Wish there was, there never was,
That way it would make a little more sense,
But the sadness remains and the answers are just as far as they always are.
Black hatred fills my heart,
Why can’t I find another way besides my art
To describe the pit of loneliness and dark,
Will I always be my own worst part?
Please forgive me,
I never meant to down the mood,
Let me be, let me sit,
Watching others reap the benefits.
I’ll just be sitting here
Waiting for my chance to shine
Hoping, praying, line by line,
I won’t be lonely for all time.
One day, I will find that one
That can free my wailing heart from the prison of my mind
Overthought thoughts are the bars that trap me here
Fear that failure will lead me deeper than I already dare have gone.
My mouth stays shut,
My heart stays silent,
Punching walls to avoid causing violence
Because I want to destroy those thoughts that would destroy me through and through.
Thoughts are not real,
So the wall must do,
Leaving knuckles bloody and battered and bruised
I am my own worst enemy, and there is no way to win.
Some call it sin,
Others say escape,
Ending it all is not a choice I’m willing to make
For that road brings nothing but more dark.
No heaven,
No hell,
Just my own thoughts
About Life’s indistinguishable doubts.
I can’t give up,
No not yet
Because a heart can never forget
That joy from finding another heart too
That is just as bloody and battered and bruised.