Walking Between Life And Death

When I sighted her from the absolute summit of the densely foliated tree; initially she appeared like the most magnificent fruit of Almighty's creation; nimbly swishing her arms under the gloriously fading light,
Although the ungainly distance subdued her brilliantly royal features an inconspicuous trifle; and her divinely contours; soon faded from my vision into an
alluring mirage; as she disappeared in entirety behind the ethereal horizons.

When I sighted her from the resplendently milky island of moon; initially she appeared to be a tantalizing seductress; dancing uninhibitedly under the mystically
gorgeous shine,
Although the murky light obfuscated her perpetual imagery an inconspicuous trifle; and her magnanimous visage; soon faded from my vision into a seductive shadow; as she inscrutably vanished in the wilderness of the rampant night.

When I sighted her from the flamboyantly scintillating mountaintop; initially she appeared to be a blazing fireball of magnetism; inevitably attracting even the
most remotely alien in her spell binding swirl,
Although the austerely stringent glare overshadowed her marvelous trajectory an inconspicuous trifle; and her marvelous march towards triumph; soon faded from
my vision into a languid siesta; as the sun transiently went behind the crimson clouds.

When I sighted her from the fabulously sandy whirlpools; initially she appeared to be a princess freshly descended from the heavens; aristocratically inundating the pathetic atmosphere around with the insatiable artistry in her voluptuous eyes,
Although the dust surpassed her piquantly poignant body an inconspicuous trifle; and her stupendously invincible aura; soon faded from my vision into a rapidly fleeting image; as winds of murkiness overtook the fiery light.

When I sighted her from the heart of the ravishing ocean; initially she appeared to be the most boisterous tangy soul on this Universe; gyrating in untamed ecstasy under a cloud cover of exuberant happiness,
Although the surreptitious froth camouflaged her charming smiles an inconspicuous trifle; and her celestially delectable aura; soon faded from my vision into a frigid layer of nothingness; as the tumblers of water crashed against the coldblooded rocks.

When I sighted her from the fathomless expanse of rhapsodic sky; initially she appeared to float like an overwhelmingly charismatic fairy; enchanting even the
most dreariest of dying life; with the supreme Omnipotence in her benign stride,
Although the pertinently hovering mists obliterated her philanthropic goodness an inconspicuous trifle; and her formidably relentless fantasy; soon faded from my vision into a hazy fog; as cloudbursts of rain started to ferociously pelt down.
When I sighted her from beneath an avalanche of scintillating ice; initially she appeared to be an intricately alluring doll; harmoniously singing the most melodious tunes of holistic survival,
Although the enshrouding whiteness sequestered her wholesome beauty an inconspicuous trifle; and her captivatingly compassionate embrace; soon faded from
my vision into a whirlwind of inscrutable baselessness; as snow melted in sweltering afternoon sunshine.

When I sighted her from amidst the garden of incredulously titillating roses; initially she appeared to disseminate the fragrance of humanity; peace and impregnable brotherhood; to the most fathomless quarter of this boundlessly unending
Although the blanket of invidiously extruding thorns shielded her ingratiating charm an inconspicuous trifle; and her immaculately divine destiny; soon faded from my vision into an ephemerally tingling memory; as the winds of intransigently unrelenting
autumn tumultuously took over; with their excoriating toll.

But eventually when I sighted her from the inner most dormitories of my heart; initially she appeared to be the sole queen of my impoverishedly devastated heart,
And this time she remained immortally blended as my breath; my body; my conscience; my soul; even as I indefatigably kept walking an infinite times between
corridors of blissful life; and diabolically ghastly death.


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