Walk with “I AM”
Live there is the word, for fear not of things unsung
Live there is the rhyme not in words but in time
To fear the death in life is to be dead in life
No fear to live be within us eternal
To live there is...
To be aside the life is but not time
nay, only the reason why be my lime
To be with question is sublime, and a life but wasted
Think not and know thee for "I AM" the answer to all things
To be with me is to know, and as you know to be with me,
with you be answers at all times
To be there is…
Straight an’ narrow ye hither
The only place where hate withers
This road is the Won way street
No need of a map, for "The Way" to walk, be only Feat
Be not of the left or right,
for even the right side is a side
By this Covenant remembered, I promise to abide…
My path is lit with Love and Truth
Oh how truly lovely it is, to walk with "I AM!"
So sing ye’ a new song, cuz you are his lamb!