Wake me up inside
Who am I?
I am certainly not the hidden... The unseen…
My personality is poured out to the world by these words that you read
By the very words that I speak
Like a fluid
Precipitating through the air that you breathe
Take them in
My words are better felt than seen
I am the enlightenment of the world
The sun
Acknowledge my energy
And let it flow through you like a remedy of consistent symmetry
I am the perfect imperfection that you seek
Created astronomically unique
As the mystique aurora
Only at your reach
The true me is never hidden!
Beauty is internal friends
Why enslave it and leave the world deprived of the true beauty inside
Held captive by the conscious mind
The only curtain that hides me
Is the blind mind that cannot find me
I am deep but not hidden
I fill you without touching
I don’t fear as the mind
I done hate as the mind
I don’t regress as the mind
Who am I…
Who am I truly…
I am but the soul… that you have left behind