Waiting For One.

Thu, 10/28/2021 - 20:10 -- Wired6

The Loorgoorloids

hijacked the hyper-dimensional sequencer,allocated 2 the far corners of their land.

30 thousand light-dimensions from Loorgoorland.At long last, the Looregoorloids,

Tista and Tissess, were planning completion of telepathic intrusion. Unknown 2

all humanoid military men,this was a bold plan,but, 

needed in order 2 defeat the inhabitants.

Cloaked by the invisibility blue lazer wand,they were all set 2 go.

Except they were missing another one.You see, three

were needed for this expedition.

They couldn't go without the other Loorgoorloid.

So they waited,and waited,and waited,and waited...........




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