I sit here waiting,
In a common place
At an unspecific time
Doing nothing much
But waiting,
Waiting for something unknown.
I sit here waiting,
Seeing common things
With ordinary features
Doing nothing much
But passing by,
Passing by just as time.
I sit here waiting,
Listening to common sounds
Emerging from ordinary things
Resounding in the air
And in me,
Resounding in me.
I sit here waiting,
Feeling simple feelings
Like a heart simply beating
Doing nothing much
But beating,
Beating for each passing second.
I sit here waiting,
In a common place
At an unspecific time
Seeing common things
With ordinary features
Listening to common sounds
Emerging from ordinary things
Feeling simple feelings
Like a heart simply beating
But my wait is over.
Here s/he comes,
Cool and calm
Kind and warm
Loyal and genuine
Full of grace,
Full of joy.
I sat here waiting
For my one and only to come
In this extraordinary place
At an extraordinary time
Seeing incredible things
With unordinary features
Listening to beautiful sounds
Emerging from magnanimous things
Feeling amazing feelings
Like a heart always beating
Beating for my one, my only,
And now I stand
And wait no more.